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make tempeh pepper and basil in java

tempeh pepper and basil
Mothers, who say that only expensive food is delicious, you can make simple menus such as tempeh, chili, basil, it is really delicious, especially with hot rice lighter, and more delicious. Wondering how to do it? Check out Febry Caturia's Basil Chili Tempeh recipe on Cookpad, here's how to make it. Efrata: 1/2 cup warm water 5 red pepper 3 red peppers 5 shallots 2 garlic Fast as kencur A bunch of basil Taste Sugar, mushroom dishes How to do it: 1. Tempeh fried until cooked, take it out. 2. Fry chilli, shallots and garlic, then grind them in kencur after cooking. 3. Add the tempeh, pour the mushroom sauce, sugar and the cleaned basil. Say, then watch the taste. 4. Make hot rice and serve with tempeh basil chili.

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